News & Events

Publication by Andrii Kuklin et al.: An Nrf2-NF-kB cross-talk controls hepatocyte proliferation in the normal and injured liver.

Publication by Matthias Muhar et al.: C-terminal amides mark proteins for degradation via SCF–FBXO31.

Publication by Christian Kurzeder et al.: Digoxin for reduction of circulating tumor cell cluster size in metastatic breast cancer: a proof-of-concept trial.

Publication by Michael Koch et al.: Dose-dependent effects of Nrf2 on the epidermis in chronic skin inflammation.

Florian Mair: 2025 RMS Award for Flow Cytometry

Publication by Markus Holzner et al.: The scramblases VMP1 and TMEM41B are required for primitive endoderm specification by targeting WNT signaling.

Publication by Grégoire Cullot et al.: Genome editing with the HDR-enhancing DNA-PKcs inhibitor AZD7648 causes large-scale genomic alterations.

Publication by Stefanova et al.: FGF receptor kinase inhibitors exhibit broad antiviral activity by targeting Src family kinases.

Nicola Aceto: Dandelion Entrepreneurship Award 2024

Mini-Symposium Announcement: “Inflammatory Skin Disease”, 28.11.2024, 13:30-18:00, RAA-G-01, UZH “Kleine Aula”.

Publication by Kevin Halter & Jingyi Chen et al.: Cdk8 and Hira mutations trigger X chromosome elimination in naive female hybrid mouse embryonic stem cells.

Publication by Luca Ferrarese & Michael Koch et al.: Inflammatory mediators suppress FGFR2 expression in human keratinocytes to promote inflammation.

Publication by Mehmet Karasu et al.: Removal of TREX1 activity enhances CRISPR-Cas9-mediated homologous recombination.

Seminar Announcement: "Unraveling cancer-associated metabolic bottlenecks in vivo" by Prof. Johannes Zuber, IMP, Vienna.

Publication by Mehmet Karasu et al.: CCAR1 promotes DNA repair via alternative splicing.

Publication by Kristin Seltmann et al.: Transport of CLCA2 to the nucleus by extracellular vesicles controls keratinocytes survival and migration.

Publication by Paul Hiebert et al.: A lysyl oxidase-responsive collagen peptide illuminates collagen remodeling in wound healing.

Seminar Announcement: "Cerebral organoids: Modelling human brain development and neurological disorders in 3D cell culture" by Jürgen Knoblich, Director IMBA, Vienna.

Publication by Lena Cords et al.: Cancer-associated fibroblast phenotypes are associated with patient outcome in non-small cell lung cancer.

Seminar Announcement: "The CompleX Story of How and Why to Turn a Chromosome OFF and ON Again", Prof. Bernhard Payer, 06.12.2023, 11:00, HPL D32.

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