Mini-Symposium Announcement: “Inflammatory Skin Disease”, 28.11.2024, 13:30-18:00, RAA-G-01, UZH “Kleine Aula”.
Invited speakers: Sara Brown, University of Edinburgh; Liv Eidsmo, Karolinska Institute; Kilian Eyerich, University of Freiburg; Lars French, LMU Munich.
Seminar Announcement: "Unraveling cancer-associated metabolic bottlenecks in vivo" by Prof. Johannes Zuber, IMP, Vienna.
The orgaizing committee of the IMHS Seminar Series "The New Generation Scientists Invite" is pleased to invite you to the Seminar held by Prof. Johannes Zuber, IMP, Vienna. The Seminar will take place on Monday, 15.07.2024, at 11:00, in the seminar room HPM H33.
Seminar Announcement: "Cerebral organoids: Modelling human brain development and neurological disorders in 3D cell culture" by Jürgen Knoblich, Director IMBA, Vienna.
The orgaizing committee of the IMHS Seminar Series "The New Generation Scientists Invite" is pleased to invite you to the first Seminar held by Dr. Jürgen Knoblich, who pioneered organoid research and is the current director of the IMBA in Vienna. The Seminar will take place on Tuesday, 27.02.2024, at 10:30, in the seminar room HPM H33.
Seminar Announcement: "The CompleX Story of How and Why to Turn a Chromosome OFF and ON Again", Prof. Bernhard Payer, 06.12.2023, 11:00, HPL D32.
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Payer, Centre of Genomic Regulation (CRB), Barcelona, Spain. Host: Prof. Anton Wutz.
Seminar Announcement: "Oocytes generated in a dish: epigenetic insight and application to visualization of oogenesis" by Dr. Eishi Aizawa, 21.11.2023, 10:00, HPL D32.
Dr. Eishi Aizawa, RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research, Kobe, Japan. Host: Prof. Anton Wutz.
Seminar Announcement: "Macrophages, Matrix and Metazoan Parasites" by Prof. Judi Allen, 15.09.2023, 11:00, HPL D32.
Prof. Judi Allen, University of Manchester, UK. Hosts: Prof. Manfred Kopf and Prof. Sabine Werner.
Mini-Symposium Announcement: "Frontiers in Skin Aging Research", 23.01.2023, 13:30-18:00, KOL-F-104, UZH Main Building
Invited speakers: Gian Paolo Dotto, University of Lausanne; Jan Hoeijmakers, erasmus MS & Princess Maxima Center for Pediatric Oncology; Dimitris Kletsas, NCSR Demokritos; Karin Scharffetter-Kochanek, University Hospital Ulm.
Seminar Announcement: "Function and Regulation of DNA Methylation" by Prof. Dr. Tuncay Baubec, 25.01.2023, 3pm, HPL E 16.1
Prof. Dr. Tuncay Baubec, Chair of Genome Biology and Epigenetics, Institute of Biodynamics and Biocomplexity, Utrecht University, Germany. Host: Prof. Anton Wutz
Double inaugural Lecture of Prof. Helmuth Gehart (IMHS) and Prof. Gabriel Neurohr (IBC), October 27, 2021, 15:15, Audimax.
On Wednesday, October 27th, 2021, the double inaugural lecture of Prof. Helmuth Gehart (Institute of Molecular Health Sciences) and Prof. Gabriel Neurohr (Institute of Biochemistry) will take place, starting at 17:15 in the Audimax HG F30 at ETH Center.
Seminar announcement: "Formative Pluripotency" by Dr. Masaki Kinoshita; February 13th, 2020, 2 pm, HPL D 32/34
The seminar Formative Pluripotency by Dr. Masaki Kinoshita (Wellcome-MRC Stem Cell Institute, University of Cambridge) will take place on Thursday, February 13th, 2020, starting at 2 pm in the HPL D 32/34 at ETH Hönggerberg. Guest are very welcome!
Kick-off Event for the Genome Engineering and Measurement Lab (GEML), February 5th, 2 pm, HPL D 32/34
A short seminar to introduce the Genome Engineering and Measurement Lab (GEML) will take place on Wednesday, February 5th, 2020, at 2 pm in HPL D32/34 at ETH Hönggerberg.
Seminar Announcement: " Anti-angiogenic immunotherapy for breast and lung cancer" by Prof. Dr. Michele De Palma; February 12th, 2020, 4 pm, HPL D 32/34
The next seminar of the IMHS Postdoc seminar series, Anti-angiogenic immunotherapy for breast and lung cancer by Prof. Michele De Palma (Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research, EPFL), will take place on Wednesday, February 12th, 2020, at 4 pm in HPL D 32/34 at ETH Hönggerberg. Guests are very welcome!
Seminar Announcement: "Fibrosis is a Communication Disease" by Prof. Dr. Boris Hinz; October 15, 2019, 5 pm, HPL D 32
The SKINTEGRITY Seminar Fibrosis is a communication disease by Prof. Dr. Boris Hinz (Laboratory of Tissue Repair and Regeneration, University of Toronto, Canada) will take place on Tuesday, October 15, 2019, at 5 pm in HPL D32 at ETH Hönggerberg. Guests are very welcome!
Seminar Announcement: "Interrogating the developing human intestinal stem cell niche" by Prof. Dr. Jason Spence; October 4, 2019, 12 pm, HPL D 32/34
The Seminar Interrogating the developing human intestinal stem cell niche by Prof. Dr. Jason Spence (University of Michigan) will take place on Friday, October 4, at 12 pm in HPL D 32/34, ETH Hönggerberg. Guest are very welcome!
Seminar Announcement: "m6A mRNA methylation - an emerging layer of regulation in islet biology and metabolism" by Prof. Dr. Rohit Kulkarni; Sept 26, 2019, 4.00 pm, HIL D 10.2
The Seminar m6A mRNA methylation - an emerging layer of regulation in islet biology and metabolism by Prof. Dr. Rohit Kulkarni (Harvard Stem Cell Institute) will take place on Thursday, September 26, 2019, at 4 pm in HIL D 10.2, ETH Hönggerberg. Guests are very welcome!
Inaugural Lecture of Prof. Jacob Corn, October 7, 2019, at 5.30 pm at HG F 30 (Audimax)
The inaugural lecture "CRISPR-Cas genome editing, from mechanism to therapy" of Prof. Jacob Corn (professor for Genome Biology at the Institute of Molecular Health Sciences) will take place on Monday, October 7, at 5.30 pm at ETH Center, HG F30 (Audimax).
Seminar Announcement: Organoids to model human disease; July 24, 2019, 10.00 am, HPC J7
The next seminar of the IMHS Postdoc seminar series, Organoids to model human disease by Prof. Hans C. Clevers (University Medical Center Utrecht) will take place on Wednesday, July 24, 2018, at 10.00 am in HCI J7 at ETH Hönggerberg. Guests are very welcome!
Seminar Announcement: NFE2L3 (NRF3) transcription factor function in mammals: intracellular regulation and link to cancer by Prof. Dr. Volker Blank; July 15, 2019, 4.00 pm, HPL J28J7
The seminar NFE2L3 (NRF3) transcription factor function in mammals: intracellular regulation and link to cancer by Prof. Dr. Volker Blank (Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research, McGill University, Montreal, Canada) will take place on Monday, July 15, 2019, at 4.00 pm in HPL J28 at ETH Hönggerberg. Guests are very welcome!
Seminar Announcement: Skin Fragility - Causes, Mechanisms and Therapeutic Strategies; July 11, 2019, 4.00 pm, HG E3
The 2nd SKINTEGRITY lecture Skin Fragility - Causes, Mechanisms and Therapeutic Strategies by Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Leena Bruckner-Tuderman (Department of Dermatology, University Medical Center Freiburg, DE) will take place on Thursday, July 11, 2018, at 4.00 pm in HG E3 (ETH Hauptgebäude) at ETH center. Guests are very welcome!
Seminar Announcement: The Cell is a bag of RNA; July 02, 2019, 11.00 am, HPM H33
The seminar The Cell is a bag of RNA by Prof. Dr. Stephen Quake (Stanford University) will take place on Tuesday, July 02, 2019, at 11.00 am in HPM H 33 at ETH Hönggerberg. Guests are very welcome!