
Mini-Symposium Announcement: “Inflammatory Skin Disease”, 28.11.2024, 13:30-18:00, RAA-G-01, UZH “Kleine Aula”.

Seminar Announcement: "Unraveling cancer-associated metabolic bottlenecks in vivo" by Prof. Johannes Zuber, IMP, Vienna.

Seminar Announcement: "Cerebral organoids: Modelling human brain development and neurological disorders in 3D cell culture" by Jürgen Knoblich, Director IMBA, Vienna.

Seminar Announcement: "The CompleX Story of How and Why to Turn a Chromosome OFF and ON Again", Prof. Bernhard Payer, 06.12.2023, 11:00, HPL D32.

Seminar Announcement: "Oocytes generated in a dish: epigenetic insight and application to visualization of oogenesis" by Dr. Eishi Aizawa, 21.11.2023, 10:00, HPL D32.

Seminar Announcement: "Macrophages, Matrix and Metazoan Parasites" by Prof. Judi Allen, 15.09.2023, 11:00, HPL D32.

Mini-Symposium Announcement: "Frontiers in Skin Aging Research", 23.01.2023, 13:30-18:00, KOL-F-104, UZH Main Building

Seminar Announcement: "Function and Regulation of DNA Methylation" by Prof. Dr. Tuncay Baubec, 25.01.2023, 3pm, HPL E 16.1

Double inaugural Lecture of Prof. Helmuth Gehart (IMHS) and Prof. Gabriel Neurohr (IBC), October 27, 2021, 15:15, Audimax.

Seminar announcement: "Formative Pluripotency" by Dr. Masaki Kinoshita; February 13th, 2020, 2 pm, HPL D 32/34

Kick-off Event for the Genome Engineering and Measurement Lab (GEML), February 5th, 2 pm, HPL D 32/34

Seminar Announcement: " Anti-angiogenic immunotherapy for breast and lung cancer" by Prof. Dr. Michele De Palma; February 12th, 2020, 4 pm, HPL D 32/34

Seminar Announcement: "Fibrosis is a Communication Disease" by Prof. Dr. Boris Hinz; October 15, 2019, 5 pm, HPL D 32

Seminar Announcement: "Interrogating the developing human intestinal stem cell niche" by Prof. Dr. Jason Spence; October 4, 2019, 12 pm, HPL D 32/34

Seminar Announcement: "m6A mRNA methylation - an emerging layer of regulation in islet biology and metabolism" by Prof. Dr. Rohit Kulkarni; Sept 26, 2019, 4.00 pm, HIL D 10.2

Inaugural Lecture of Prof. Jacob Corn, October 7, 2019, at 5.30 pm at HG F 30 (Audimax)

Seminar Announcement: Organoids to model human disease; July 24, 2019, 10.00 am, HPC J7

Seminar Announcement: NFE2L3 (NRF3) transcription factor function in mammals: intracellular regulation and link to cancer by Prof. Dr. Volker Blank; July 15, 2019, 4.00 pm, HPL J28J7

Seminar Announcement: Skin Fragility - Causes, Mechanisms and Therapeutic Strategies; July 11, 2019, 4.00 pm, HG E3

Seminar Announcement: The Cell is a bag of RNA; July 02, 2019, 11.00 am, HPM H33

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