Honors & Awards
Florian Mair: 2025 RMS Award for Flow Cytometry
The RMS Award aknowledges Florian Mair for his outstanding scientific achievements applying flow cytometry in the field of immunology.
Nicola Aceto: Dandelion Entrepreneurship Award 2024
Prof. Nicola Aceto has been honored for his outstanding commitment to promoting entrepreneurship at ETH Zurich.
Helmuth Gehart: Golden Owl
The ETH student association VSETH has recently awarded Prof. Helmuth Gehart with the Golden Owl for best teaching in the Department of Biology, ETH ZUrich, in 2023.
Labhart-Schwyzer Medaille for Markus Stoffel
Awarded to scientists who have made important scientific contributions in the area of Endocrinology. 08.11.2023
Robert-Wenner Preis 2023 for Nicola Aceto
The swiss cancer league have awarded Prof. Nicola Aceto with the Robert-Wenner Prize, an award for young cancer researchers, for his research on cancer metastasis.
Nicola Aceto: Pezcoller Foundation-EACR Translational Cancer Research Award 2023
Prof. Nicola Aceto has won the Pezcoller Foundation-EACR (European Association for Cancer Research) Translational Cancer Research Award 2023, which celebrates academic excellence and achievements in the field of translational cancer research.
Pfizer Research Prize 2022, Oncology, for Ilaria Guccini
Dr. Ilaria Guccini has been awarded with the Pfizer Research Prize 2022 for her contribution to basic research in oncology.
Swiss Science Prize Latsis 2021 for Nicola Aceto
Professor Nicola Aceto is being honoured for his breaking discoveries in the field of cancer research. The award will be officially presented at Bern Town Hall on November 4th, 2021.
Sabine Werner: Golden Owl
For best teaching in the Department of Biology, ETH Zurich (selected by the students)
ETH Spark Award
Dr Meyer, Prof Werner and Dr Maddaluno win the Spark Award for the most promising invention of the year
ETH Medal for best PhD thesis for Remy Denzler
ETH Medal for best Master thesis for Alexandra Title
Award of the Schweizerische Herzstiftung for Stefan Freigang
ETH Spark Award
Prof Kopf, Dr Kisielow and Dr Obermair win the Spark Award for the most promising invention of the year