Dr. Pamuditha Silva

Dr. Pamuditha Silva


Dr. Pamuditha Silva
  • +41 44 633 21 10
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ETH Zurich
Inst. f. Molecular Health Sciences
HPL H 33.2
Otto-Stern-Weg 7
8093 Zurich


Place of Birth:

Toronto, Canada


PhD in Biomedical Engineering, 2011-2017, University of Toronto (Canada)

BSc in Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, 2007-2011, University of Toronto (Canada)


Green, B.J.*, Kermanshah, L.*, Labib, M., Ahmed, S., Silva, P.N., Mahmoudian, L., Chang, S., Mohamadi, R.M., Rocheleau, J.V. and Kelley, S.O. (2016) Isolation of Phenotypically Distinct Cancer Cells Using Nanoparticle-Mediated Sorting. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. DOI:  10.1021/acsami.7b05253

Filippi, B.M.*, Abraham, M.A.*, Silva, P.N., Rasti, M., LaPierre, M.P., Bauer, P.V., Rocheleau J.V. and Lam, T.K.T. (2017) Dynamin-Related Protein 1-Dependent Mitochondrial Fission Changes in the Dorsal Vagal Complex Regulate Insulin Action. Cell Reports. 18 (10). 2301-2309.

Chen, Y.Y., Silva, P.N., Syed, A., Sindhwani, S., Rocheleau, J.V. and Chan, W.C.W. (2016) High-throughput Structural Analysis of Intact 3D Tissues on a Microfluidic Chip. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. 113 (52). 14915-14920.

Silva, P.N., Atto, Z., Regeenes, R., Tufa, U., Chen, Y.Y., Chan, W.C.W., Volchuk, A., Kilkenny, D.M. and Rocheleau J.V. (2016), Highly Efficient Adenoviral Transduction on a Chip (HEAT-on-a-Chip) Reveals Heterogeneity in Islet Beta-cell ER Redox Potential. Lab on a Chip. 16(15). pp. 2921-2934.

Nosak, C., Silva, P.N., Sollazzo, P., Moon, K.M., Odisho, T., Foster, L.J, Rocheleau, J.V. and Volchuk, A. (2016) Jagn1 is induced in response to ER stress and regulates proinsulin biosynthesis. PLoS one. 11(2). e0149177.

Silva, P.N.*, Green, B.J.*Altamentova, S.M. and Rocheleau, J.V. (2013) Pancreatic islet-on-a-chip: a microfluidic design to induce media flow throughout the tissue while limiting shear-induced damage to the periphery. Lab on a Chip. 13(22). pp. 4374-4384.

Silva, P.N., Altamentova, S.M., Kilkenny, D.M. and Rocheleau, J.V. (2013) Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor Like-1 (FGFRL1) Interacts with SHP-1 Phosphatase at Insulin Secretory Granules and Induces Beta-cell ERK1/2 Activation. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 288(24). pp. 17859-17870.

Lam, A.K., Silva, P.N., Altamentova, S.M. and Rocheleau, J.V. (2012) Quantitative Imaging of Electron Transfer Flavoprotein Autofluorescence Reveals the Dynamics of Lipid Partitioning in Living Pancreatic Islets. Integrative Biology. 4. pp. 838-846.

*equal contribution


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