ETH Publications of Alumni of the Wallimann Group

Theo Wallimann coached 29 ETH students towards a Masters of Science degree. From these, Roland Türk and Ramon Thali were awarded an ETH price and medal and Nadine Straumann received the Willy Studer Price.

Theo Wallimann coached 30 graduate students towards a PhD degree. From these, Dr. Thomas Schnyder, Dr. Markus Wyss, Dr. Martin Stolz, Dr. Michael Eder, Dr. Dietbert Neumann and Dr. Roland Türk were awarded the ETH price and medal and Dr. Eddy O’Gorman, Dr. Olaf Stachowiak and Dr. Thorsten Hornemann received the ETH Bonus-29 award.

ETH Habilitations

PD Dr. Uwe Schlattner (2002)

Venia legendi für Zellbiolgie at ETH Zürich. Title: "Molecular cell biology of mitochondrial creatine kinases: A new vista on structure, function, and physiology"
external page
Now: Professor and Director of Laboratory of Fundamental and Applied Bioenergetics (LBFA), INSERM U1055, University Grenoble Alpes, France.

ETH Dissertations of Graduate students coached to a Ph.D. (Dr. sc. nat. ETH)

Martin Bähler (1984) ETH Diss Nr. 7709
“Investigations concerning composition, structure and function of the myofibrillar A-band in skeletal muscle of vertebrates“
Now: Professor emeritus, at Institute of Molecular Cell Biology, University of Münster, Germany.

 Gabriela Wegmann (1985) ETH Diss Nr. 8164
“Identification and localization of CK-Isoenzymes in tissues with high and fluctuating energy requirements“
Andrew Quest (1988) ETH Diss Nr. 8539
“Purification and characterization of heterogeneous brain-type creatine kinase in chicken. Study of the functional aspects of theis heterogeneity in different tissues.
Now: Professor and Research Director of the Center of Exercise Studies, Metabolism and Cancer (CEMC) at the University of Chile, Santiago, Chile. 

Jörg Schlegel (1989) ETH Diss Nr. 8766
“Purification and characterization of both isoforms of mitochondrial creatine kinase from chicken heart and brain: comparative investigation of functional aspects“
(¶) Thomas Schnyder (1990) ETH Diss Nr. 9250

“Structure of the mitochondrial creatine kinase octamer by electron microscopy, protein crystallography and chemical cross-linking.
(¶) Markus Wyss (1992) ETH Diss Nr. 9777
“Biochemical and physiological aspects of mitochondrial creatine kinase“
Wolfram Hemmer (1993) ETH Diss Nr. 10026
“Cellular localization and function of creatine kinase isoenzymes in neural tissues and biochemical characterization of creatine kinase heterogeneity.
Manuel Rojo (1993) ETH Diss Nr. 10042
“Studies on the interaction of mitochondrial creatine kinase with membranes and structural studies on the adenine nucleotide translocator“
Philipp Kaldis (1994) ETH Diss Nr. 10686
“Mitochondrial creatine kinase isoenzymes: structure / function-relationship
Now: Professor at Clinical Research Center (CRC), Faculty of Medicine at the University of Lund, Sweden. 

Martin Gross (1994) ETH Diss Nr. 10719
“The tryptophan residues of mitochondrial creatine kinase. roles in enzyme structure and function“
Thomas Piendl (1996) ETH Diss Nr. 11830
“Cryoimmobilisation-based electron microscopy of mitochondria in situ and in vitro : a new model of contact sites for energy export“
Michael Forstner (1996) ETH Diss Nr. 11970
“Structure and structural dynamics of creatine kinase“
(@) Eddy O'Gorman (1997) ETH Diss Nr. 12095
“Metabolic adaptations to creatine depletion in rat skeletal muscle“

(¶) Martin Stolz (1997) ETH Diss Nr. 12160
“Chicken cytosolic muscle-type creatine kinase: identification of the M-band binding domain and analysis of particular enzyme properties by site-directed mutagenesis

(@) Olaf Stachowiak (1997) ETH Diss Nr. 12340
“A quantitative approach to membrane-binding and peroxynitrite-induced inactivation of mitochondrial creatine kinase“

Maria de Lourdes Guerrero Ontiveros (1998) ETH Diss Nr. 12824
“Role of creatine kinase for the function of the Na,K-ATPase in kidney.
Regulation of creatine transporter expression and improvement of oxidative metabolism by chronic creatine loading“

(¶) Michael Eder (1999) ETH Diss Nr. 13259
“Structural and functional studies on creatine kinase isoenzymes by X-ray crystallography and site-directed mutagenesis“

Petek, Z. Cakar (2000) ETH Diss Nr. 13665
“Metabolic engineering of yeast“

(@)Thorsten Hornemann (2000) ETH Diss Nr. 13724
“Studies on the intracellular localization and function of cytosolic creatine kinase“
Now: Professor at Institute of Clinical Chemistry, University Hospital of Zürich (USZ)

Bernd Walzel (2001) ETH Diss Nr. 14028
“Cellular creatine transporters: identification and characterization of the plasma membrane- and a novel mitochondrial creatine transporter“

Silke Wendt (2001) ETH Diss Nr. 14039
“Oxidative damage to creatine kinase: possible links to neurodegeneration“

(¶) Dietbert Neumann (2002) ETH Diss Nr. 14754
“Bacterial expression and characterization of heterotrimeric AMP-activated protein kinase“
Now: Professor and Principal Investigator of Experimental Vascular Pathology at Maastricht University, NL.

Fabrizio Canonaco (2003) ETH Diss Nr. 15040
“The relevance of transdehydrogenases and heterologous phosphagen kinases for microbial cofactor metabolism“
Oliver Speer (2003) ETH Diss Nr. 15180
“Methylglyoxal, creatine and mitochondrial micro-compartments“
Now: PD and Head of Clinical Chemistry, Center for Laboratory Medicine, Winterthur / ZH. 

Nadine Straumann (2005) ETH Diss Nr. 16164
“AMP-activated protein kinase and creatine transporter as key players in metabolism and modulators of AMPK action by designed ankyrin repeat proteins”
Tanja Bürklen (2005) ETH Diss Nr. 16215
“Novel interaction partners of Creatine Kinase isoenzymes in the brain”
Uwe Riek (2006) ETH Diss Nr. 17008
“Biochemical and biophysical properties of heterotrimeric 5’-AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK): molecular shape, function and regulation”
(¶)Roland Türk (2007) Diss Nr. 17222
“Expanding the signaling network around AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK)”
(¶) Roland Scholz (2010) ETH Diss Nr. 18837

"New Regulatory Elements of AMP-activated Protein Kinase and Transforming Growth Factor beta-activated Kinase 1: Inter- and Intramolecular Communication of Protein Kinase Complexes". (candidate for ETH medal award) (coaching from 2006 - July 2008)
Ramon Thali (2010) ETH Diss Nr.
“Exploring the Target Spectrum of AMP-activated Protein Kinase”
(coaching from 2006 – July 2008)
(¶) (with distinction: ETH medal award)
(@) (with distinction and ETH-Bonus 29)

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